Table of contents
A brain can only retain so much information.
Mine even less so than normal. Particularly in my iOS development life, there are so many things that I've had to learn how to do more than once simply because I've forgotten how to do it. This is often because the task I had to learn how to do is something I don't do often -- maybe once every couple of years. I am sometimes able to reference past work/code if it's something I learned at my current job and I'm still with the company. But what if I leave? I want this to be a place where I can record solutions and anybody can reference solutions to both common and obscure problems that we all run into during iOS development.
How many times have you gone to click on an already-purple Stackoverflow link in Google search results from a past visit? I find myself wasting a lot of time going to articles, trying solutions, realizing why a solution won't work, learning the gotchas, and then finding the final working solution. Then I repeat in 6 months when I need to do it again. Just like you did last week.
Sometimes I find multiple resources that give me the solution to something relatively simple, but it doesn't go into the depth that I want. Sure, the base case is covered, but what about the edge cases? That's usually where I need help.
I want this blog to be a resource for all these things and more -- a brain dump of sorts. Swift solutions to obscure development problems, solutions to coding interview questions, and beginner to advanced progressive learnings about routine Swift behaviors all in a comprehendible language for anybody.
Cheers and good luck!